Yesterday the nation was shocked by news of the sudden death of Dr. S. Vijayaratnam, Vice-President of the Gerakan political party.
Since I am staying in Seremban I knew Dr. Vijay quite well. A few years ago he was appointed as a Seremban Municipal Councillor for a brief period. After that he was appointed as a Senator at Federal Level and became a Deputy Minister.
It was during his brief period as a Seremban Municipal Councillor that I knew him quite closely. He knew his job was to represent the tax paying public unlike some councillors who tend to be enforcers instead of being representatives. For this part he performed quite well. He never harassed us officers as to why we don't do this or that.
It was also during this brief period that I gave him an invitation card for my son's wedding. He did not come for the wedding but to my surprise a few days after the event I received a posted letter from him. Enclosed inside was his personel cheque. I forgot the amount though.
I convey my condolences to Dr. Vijay's family.
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