I call this post A Reunion of Sorts because not only we had an old students and teachers reunion dinner it was also a reunion of sorts for three of our school bands. The function was held at Dewan Sri Siantan, Perbadanan Putrajaya on 26th December 2008. Photo credits go to Ribut of http://www.pengukircahaya.net/ and Dr. Khairun Nazar.

The Bands.
1. The Flanders and Nada Suara.
The highlights of the night was a reunion of sorts for three of the school bands, two from Tanjung Malim, Perak and one from Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. The bands from Tanjung Malim are The Flanders and Nada Suara from the 60s era and from Seremban The Bluesbreakers of the 70s era.
Since not all members of the Flanders and Nada Suara were present the two groups were teamed together.

2. The Bluesbreakers.
This group was formed in Seremban in the seventies. I don't know about them until now. From their name they sing mostly blues numbers.

We were so happy with this reunion of sorts that we have planned to have the next reunion at the same place, same date and same time in 2009.
Brother Maarof,
Wak Kentol tu nama sebenarnya Mohd Mokhtar Mohamad bukan Zainal Mohamad
Brother Tn Hj Maarof,
Tk info dan gambar. Saya nak hadir tapi apa nak buat dah bertandang ke PP ke rumah besan pada hari tu. Sedikit pembetulan....Wak Kentol tu Mokhtar Muhamad. Zainal Muhammad ialah Zainal Manager juga classmate Mokhtar Mohamad. Zainal Muhamad ni my dormate room 1 Rumah Sultan. Kita gelar dia Zainal Manager sebab dia suka book tiket panggung Rex bila ada je member2 nak tengok wayang. Cerita fasal filem nak2 cerita James Bond, Cowboy ke dia nilah kaki bercerita.
Seronok juga tengok gambar2 ni. Tengok gambar Md Ali kalau jumpa kat mana2 entahlah berani tegur ke tidak. Berubah betul kalau dah jadi orang veteran ni.Walhal dia tu my classmate.
Sekali lagi saya ucapkan tk. InsyaAllah saya akan ke rumah tn Hj tak tahulah bila. Penat kenduri dan travelling belum hilang lagi.
MBA, Sg Jelok Kajang
Thanks bros Md Shah and MBA A. Sometimes I got confused.
Brother Maarof,
Nice meeting you at the dinner. Everytime we met just a short hello. Hope to have longer chat next time probably at a smaller gathering like Malacca breakfast session. I am enjoying my first month as YB. Still tying loose end so not much blogging lately. Cheers.
Bang Maarof, dalam gambar where you are partly hidden (slide 20, I think), let me name those yang I cam.
Sitting from right to left: Datuk Abdul Rahman Yeop, Tan Sri Isa Samad and Ustaz Maher
Standing behind from right to left: Darussalam Baharom, tak ingat nama, Manaf Rashid, Fuzi Jaru, Bang Maarof, tak ingat nama, Ribut, Nasir Ismail @ lakiboy @ Pintu Geng, Syed Nazim, Hashim Idris and Mastor Mat Ariff (cmdr UTK yang testify kat Altantuya's trial).
Md Nor
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